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Snippets of Dialogue

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I really didn't have anything that I wanted to blog about, but lately This Man has had these tidbits of conversation playing in my head over and over that the only way to get them to stop is to write about them. And they're conversations that I've had with my buddies and even complete strangers.
Enjoy the Holiday

When my best bud, Jason and I ran into each other in front of the North Park Adult Video store, we finally started talking about the issues and drama that had us not speaking for over a month. Upon seeing, Jason we had this tidbit of conversation.

Jason: "Damn bitch! You looking GOOD!"
This Man: Thanks, I've started back running."
Jason: "Yeah, you're looking better than me! But don't loose too much otherwise you'll be looking like Oprah with a little body and a big head!"
This Man: "BITCH!"
A few minutes later, once Jason told me how bad I'd hurt him, he quipped with this tidbit.
Jason: "I thought I was your best friend. I thought I was Gayle King, Oprah...and your ass is treating me like I'm Steadman!"

One Sunday evening, This Man was at The Hole with my buddy, Jay. We were drinking, stoned and cruising the men. I'd noticed a guy, and anesthesiologist that I'd seen a few times there.
This Man: " I really think Dr. Art is a big ol 'HO!"
Jay: "Oh really. Compared to who--YOU?"

Last night on the phone with Jay, talking about his bud who'd came down to visit him from L.A.
Jay: "It's been great having company and having someone to fall alseep with. I guess I'll drive him to the train station and then return back to my lonely life."
This Man: "Lonely, my ass. Knowing you, you'll have some hot guys lined up to meet you at your place before you get back from downtown."
Jay: "So what are you trying to say?"
This Man: "I'm saying, when it comes to hookups, you like to stack 'em deep and have a few lined up; not just one."

Two nights ago, while fooling around with Raymond while The Empire Strikes back played on the television. Through clenched teeth and in a high pitched voice he said:
Raymond: "Jeezus, I wish you would hurry up and cum so I can watch the movie."

This afternoon when I was sitting at Bread et Cie, having lunch, This Man overhead this joke. The man at the next table was talking about his travels to New Zealand when he made this joke.
" Ah New Zealand...where the Men are Men, the sheep are nervous and all the children are BAAAAA-stards!"

After finishing up my run in Hillcrest, I saw this banging Asian woman. She was working it! Tight Citizens of Humanity jeans, a nice stiletto sandal, a breast-enhancing top and a Louis Vuitton clutch. She was going to get her hair done (why, I don't know because she looked flawless!). I couldn't help but remark to the stranger walking next to me.
This Man: "DAYUM! She's enough to make a guy start dating women again!!!"
Stranger on the sidewalk: "Yeah, man...tell me about it!"

1 Responses to “Snippets of Dialogue”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Monday, July 24, 2006.
    Does the SDPD have an APB out for THG?
    Anyone have a clue where he might be holed up at?
    An Inquiring Mind wants to Know.

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