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This Man found it this morning.

I was at work. In the bathroom, checking myself out before heading back out to see what everyone else what doing and that's when I spotted it. It's about two inches above my left ear.
A grey hair.
At first This Man thought it was merely the sunlight coming through the window and casting a reflection on my head. When I looked closer, I thought it was a piece of thread. Only when I began to pull on it, that's when I realized that it was attached to my head.
I couldn't even pull it out! ARGH!
And the crazy part is, it's not even the first grey hair that I grown. L used to tell me all of the time that I had a few of them in the back of my head near the center, but I paid that no mind. But to spot one myself, This Man was, for a brief moment, shocked.
I'm getting older. I suppose it's better that I find it in my head than down below.
Thankfully, I'm going to see my barber tomorrow.

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