Okay, thanks everyone for letting This Man find out the bad news on my own!
It happened yesterday when I was thumbing through an issue of People magazine. I can't tell you who was on the cover, but feel free to take your pick;
it had to have either been Brad & Jen, Julia & the twins, Nick & Jessica, Lindsay Lohan or probably those fucking Olsen waifs--I don't know. It's always the same people on the cover of that rag or in the content.
But that's neither here nor there.
The bad news was-- and I'm still devastated as I type this,
Mike Piazza got married!
I know, I know...it's even worse when I type it (not to mention, to see his name in bold print). All this time, This Man was convinced that Ole Mike played on the same team as I.
I mean, who knew! And I'm not even going to remark on the fact that he'd shaved the infamous goatee and appeared with his bride in the nude. His face was totally free of hair!
It was all too much.
This is worse than the day, Juan Gonzalez left the Rangers! OY!
And apparantely Mr. Piazza has been married since the last week in January--pretty damn close to This Man's birthday.
I just want to know how could he do me like this!WHY! WHY! WHY, Mike...I really thought that I had a .000001% chance of actually hooking up with you when I came to New York--perhaps even a threeway with you and Derek Jeter, it could've been my own personal Subway Series, in a manner of speaking. So if you're reading this, Mr. Piazza just know that you've been quickly replaced by one of my new favorite Yankees--Alex Rodriguez.And now that that's out of my system, I can resume living in the real world. While I'm on the subject of teams, players and the "Team", I have to mention the new guy that's now stationed onboard this fine warship with yours truly. He arrived when we were in Singapore
(but This Man was a bit too drunk to notice or care) and almost immediately the rumors and whispering started about him. He was quite obviously on the "team". When I finally met him, I could finally see what all the snickering and whispering was about. He was awfully feminine but seemed nice. The funny thing was, when I spoke to him, he jumped as if I'd startled him.
That can't be good, can it?
So for the most part, I've left him alone. For the record, I'm not mean to him, I just don't go out of my way to speak to him. I mean, sure he and I may have one
sure thing in common, but does that instantly mean that we'll hit it off and become the best of friends? This Man finally concluded to just treat him the way I treat everyone on this warship; pretty fairly until you give me a reason not to talk to you at all!
Moving on...
Last night while hanging out and eating ice cream on the messdecks with my friend, S, he ended up at the table that we were sitting at and was talking to her. For once, I was pretty short on words and just took the opportunity to just see what he was all about. It was just as I'd imagined. He was a serious, typical feminine type (the type that This Man usually steers clear of), but he was a bit old skool and that was cool. Once he left, S teased me as she'd been doing lately about his being my replacement as her friend. It was good hearted and This Man enjoyed it. But that one question kept looming in the back of my mind,
Just because we play for the same team, does that instantly make us teammates? I'm going to figure this one out and I'll definitely keep you posted. So until then...
3 days until San DiegoMahalo